Eric Zhang Resume


Harvard University

2022 — 2023

Harvard University

2019 — 2023

Graduated magna cum laude, with highest honors in field.


  • TF for CS 153 (Compilers), Fall 2021 — Certificate of Distinction in Teaching
  • TA for Summer Geometry Institute (SGI), Summer 2021
  • TF for CS 161 (Operating Systems), Spring 2021 — Certificate of Distinction in Teaching
  • TF for CS 182 (Artificial Intelligence), Fall 2020
  • TF for CS 124 (Data Structures and Algorithms), Spring 2020 — Commendation for Extraordinary Teaching

Graduate-level technical coursework:

  • Advanced Computational Complexity (CS 221)
  • Random Processes and Algorithms (CS 223)
  • Computational Learning Theory (CS 228)
  • Advanced Computer Networks (CS 243)
  • Advanced Topics in PL/AI (CS 252r)
  • Advanced Topics in PL Design (CS 252r)
  • Systems Security (CS 263)
  • Distributed Systems Engineering (MIT 6.824)
  • Shape Analysis (MIT 6.838)
  • Robotic Manipulation (MIT 6.843)
  • Probability (Stat 210)
  • Statistical Inference (Stat 211)

Undergraduate technical coursework:

  • Compilers (CS 153)
  • Operating Systems (CS 161)
  • Computer Graphics (MIT 6.837)
  • Nanotechnology Fabrication (MIT 6.2540)
  • Chaotic Dynamical Systems (Math 118r)
  • Number Fields (Math 129)
  • Differential Topology (Math 132)
  • Honors Abstract Algebra (Math 55a)
  • Honors Real and Complex Analysis (Math 55b)

Professional Experience

Founding Engineer at Modal Labs

February 2022 – Current New York, NY

  • Modal is a high-performance serverless function platform. I joined the team of 3 as our first systems engineer, frontend engineer, and interaction designer (“Rust / web expert”).
  • I was the principal architect behind Modal's container runtime, the high-performance system written in Rust that runs Modal functions. Its stability let Modal scale from 50 CPUs / 2 GPUs to 100,000 CPUs / 5,000 GPUs, all while adding new features to the platform.
  • My technical contributions include Modal's content-addressed file system and global cache over petabytes in tiered storage, building an HTTP and WebSocket stack, running distributed TLS relays, sandboxing containers, controlling network traffic with eBPF, and managing Kubernetes + VPN infrastructure.
  • I also made the website, designing the interfaces and developing the data fetching system. We applied these to user dashboards, a documentation site, 2D + 3D graphics, and web-based internal tools.
  • At Modal, I introduced Rust and Svelte. These are now half of the codebase, though it took time to get others familiar with the tech. I think the choice helped Modal develop reliable, correct, boring (i.e., low p99 latency, few production issues) software.

Contract Software Engineer at Prosper Robotics

January 2022 London, UK

  • Early-stage startup developing VR-teleoperated household robots. Worked with electrical and mechanical engineers.
  • I wrote real-time (<10 μs) embedded microcontrollers in C++, developed new network services and robot control systems in Go. Refactored a lot of code, fixed many bugs, ported software to a new robot, introduced continuous integration, tests, static type checking for Python.

Software Engineer at Convex

June 2021 – October 2021 San Francisco, CA

  • First hired engineer at a seed-stage startup. Worked with three experienced technical cofounders (ex-principal engineers at Dropbox) to build a reactive, serverless database platform using Rust, integrated with the V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Wrote significant components of the MVP. As an early core team member, this included rearchitecting the entire Convex client library, writing several systems components in Rust, and advising on developer experience.

Quantitative Research Intern at Jump Trading

June 2021 – August 2021 Chicago, IL

  • Won the intern trading strategies competition and rotated on a trading team to research algorithmic signals in US equities.
  • Developed decentralized apps on the Ethereum blockchain for the cryptocurrency team, including new trading algorithms on DEXs. Contributed to the open source Ethereum ecosystem in Rust, Go, and Python.

Software Engineering Intern at Scale AI

December 2020 – January 2021 San Francisco, CA

  • Worked on machine learning infrastructure for a fast-growing startup using Terraform, Kubernetes, and AWS.
  • Developed an in-house system to unify the ML training workflow, allowing the team to quickly iterate on models, share results on a tracking server, and launch Kubernetes distributed training jobs, saving “hours” of time on each experiment.

Architecture Intern at Nvidia

June 2020 – August 2020 Santa Clara, CA

  • Worked with the Applied Deep Learning Research (ADLR) group on deep learning models for street image segmentation.
  • Individually developed and released FastSeg, an open-source library containing state-of-the-art PyTorch implementations of MobileNetV3 LR-ASPP for real-time semantic segmentation, significantly more accurate than existing public implementations.

Research Assistant at Harvard Programming Languages Group

June 2020 – August 2020 Cambridge, MA

Undergraduate Researcher at Predictive Medicine Group

December 2019 – June 2020 Boston, MA

Computer Science Instructor at AlphaStar Academy

December 2017 – April 2020 Santa Clara, CA

Awards and Honors

Computer Science:

  • International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI): Gold Medalist (2018, 2019), 7th place globally
  • Google Hash Code: World Finalist (2020, 2021, 2022), 6th place team out of over 100,000 students and professionals
  • Google Code Jam: Round 3 Finalist (2020), placed 34th globally
  • Facebook Hacker Cup: Round 3 Finalist (2020)
  • PicoCTF: Winner (2018), ranked 6th


  • Mathematical Olympiad Program (MOP): Participant (2017), IMO team selection group (2017, 2018)
  • USA Math Olympiad (USAMO): Honorable Mention (2017), top 24 in nation


  • U.S. Physics Team: Invitee (2017, 2018, 2019)
  • USA Physics Olympiad (USAPhO): Gold Medalist (2017, 2018, 2019)

Music Performance:

  • National YoungArts Foundation: Winner in Classical Music (2018, 2019)
  • JDR Viola Competition: Grand prize winner, performed with a professional orchestra (2019)
  • Texas All-State Symphony Orchestra: Principal Violist (2017), Co-Principal (2016, 2018)